Sunday, May 07, 2006

About Time

Well it's about time. There are finally chicken's on the Farm. Strange thing, being they are my domestic animal totem. I must have been really stupid or just way to busy to get living quarters set up and start raising them. It could be that people that know me have always said " yeah that's all you need is another chore." I have to admit Lisa is the driving force of the chicken's. She came up with the design of the "Chicken Ship" all I did was provide manly strength when needed.

Well we now have 18 Barred Rock's out on the lawn/pasture, eating grass, checking out the new digs, escaping through the electric fencing, being thrown back in, and hopefully staying put. We bought pullets just starting to lay. A local hatchery guy has quite an operation. Really clean, happy birds, and an all around good feel to the place. The instant the birds got here they were milling around eating grass and generally being chickens.

Like I said it's about time. Chicken's are awsome. Just about everybody should have a few. And Farms should definately have them. I just hope that I don't spend all my time watching them, clucking to them, and catching them and putting them back in their pasture. If these work out they may become part of the buisness around here, as eggs sell like hotcakes at mkt. I just haven't had the time to start it all up and work out the kinks. Geuss that's the way I am, I really don't do something till I know I can make it work, or at least have the energy to work out the kinks, and take care of things. It's the same way with me and trees. I haven't planted many cause I want them to thrive, I feel horrible if I kill one, and almost worse if it just struggles along.

Also things in the field are going well, Tomatoes are in, Cherry tomatoes, Squash, Peppers, Eggplant, Basil, Cucumbers, and next Watermelons. Then of course it starts all over with second runs. But we've been hustling, gettin 'er done and it's shaping up around here.


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