Saturday, May 02, 2009

Rain Rain Go-Away

O.K. I'm done with my little temper tantrum now. You see if I had it my way it would be sunny and warm, but it's not. So I live with it. Actually live in it. Actually it was quite interesting to see the effect the rain had on the Farmers Market today. It didn't totally kill the market but our sales and my friends sales were down quite a bit. We brought Carrots home. That means either I was foolishly too optimistic or somthin' funky's goin' on. The Market did have some competition today ie: parade, endangered species fair, and craft fair. So all in all it was interesting to see how many of our regulars came out and how many went to other events and how many simply just stayed home in the rain. And I'll give props to all those who came out. I just have a bit of empathy for my pal Nick who went home with way to many of the bomb, Organic even, strawberries. Those berries are a cruel mistress and thats why I don't be sleeping with her. One day everybody loves you, standing in line to get your berries, the next ( cause 3/4 of the mkt's strawberry volume is based on fair weather franks ) your tossin' berrys out with tears in your eyes. Ok that's not all the reasons why I don't grow strawberrys but I think it reads better that way.
But back to the first subject, Rain. My grassfed beef freinds are probably dancing a jig right now, cause an inch of rain in May is a Godsend, two is a miracle and we're quickly heading that way. For us on the Farm it means more work, and not the kind that does anything to further our goal of growing yummy vegtables, unless you count mowing weeds and grass as productive.
( Actually it is, and actually adds wonderful organic matter to our soil )
Today at Farmers Market many people asked me if the rain was good or bad for me, and so that's why the subject. I usually just take the weather with a cheery " it's the weather, I'm a Farmer, and if I stress on the weather I'm going to be a cranky old man."


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