What's been up!!

Well it's been quite a bit since my last post, partially didn't feel to inspired except maybee, to rant on how crappy the weather's been, so I didn't. We had rain, rain, rain till about a week ago. Then the sun came out enough for me to get out and get some mowing done, thank God cause it was getting pretty bad out there. The oat's we're about to go to seed and the thistles we're about to also.
But the initial mowings been done and I even got a few beds tilled for Broccoli and Lettuce. They got transplanted on Fri then of course it rained on Saturday morning. Only a quarter of an inch but enough to slow field work down.
Today I planted the third run of peppers, yet have still to transplant the first run. Everything in the greenhouse is way slow cause all the rain and cool temps. But it actually is better than having things to big. This week I hope to prepare beds for the Tomatoes and hopefully get them in the ground at the end of the week. Then of course more bed preparation and tons of transplanting to be done. It's all anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks late but last year was even later.
The Garlic looks really well, it has the biggest stalks I've ever seen. If they turn out well, the heads will be mammoth, I'm just hoping for some warm weather cause their starting to set up their bulbs. The Onions aren't so huge but they were on the small size when we transplanted them, and then all it did was rain all winter. But all in all it should be an average crop.
Sorry about the sideways and multiple photos I suck with computers.