Monday, May 17, 2010

A day off!

Yesterday, Sunday, which is usually my only day of rest,relaxation, and re-creation I found myself to actually be free to sleep in, enjoy my day, and goof off. Yes!!! after at least a solid month of working on Sunday, I had one free! No tilling, no mowing, no nothing. It was a bit strange, a bit foreign, and a bit unnerving. After working the last month of Sunday's I had somewhat become conditioned to "having to work". I was a little suprised to find myself with the ability to goof off without suffering through self punishing guilt that I should or could be working.

What did I do with my day? Well I slept in a bit ( if you call pretending/wishing to be asleep sleeping in) then my usual Farm blog surfing, also a bit of Scuba diving research, ( it's like a virtual vacation), a bit of leftover pizza for brunch, then a bit of dozing of in front of the tube. Then a bit more napping. Some more internet surfing, a bit more dozing, then time for dinner. I was so out of the loop I almost forgot to water some plants outside of the greenhouse, and I completely forgot that we clean the house at 5:00pm. Lisa even let us slide on that one.

So I must have needed it. My brain had come to a point of almost overload, my responsibilities, we're wearing on me, and I really just wanted and needed to do nothing.

So Joy, Joy I had a day off!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

I must have been busy

Yes I have, I have not had a Sunday off in a month and I'm preparing to go work right now. Yes it's Sunday again and I am not out in the field yet it is 12:30, but I am dreading getting out there yet, if I don't I will lament not working. Oh to be aware that I am my own worst enemy. But I'm going to have some breakfast then another cup of go juice and then I'll drag my dragging butt out to run some tractor.

Yes it's been quite a rainy spring and today it threatens again. So far we've managed to dodge all the bullets thrown our way, and have maintained all the planting schedules. Thsi last week the cover came off the Squash to reveal 95% of the spaces in the green zuchinni are being inhabited by squash plants. The yellow squash is a complete bust. And the yellow I planted in the greenhouse are doing quite poorly. So I have decided to put th kibosh on growing yellow squash. See how easy that was. Oh then to make for a fun night this last week two days after uncovering the squash, the frost alarm goes off at 4am so out Lisa and I go to cover it up again. And this is May I tell you and we are supposed to be out of frost season but here in the hollow--Hahh! How Fun!!

Well I think I've done all the goofin off I can do so I'm going to eat something then go out and work on my Sunday off. Whaaahh!