Burnout. I'm suffrin' from it. It happens every year at this time. To much work, not enough time off. Most people get two days off a week. But as a Farmer I get one. That one day off I'm gratefull for. But at this time of the year I've had way to many 10-12 hour days, not enough sleep, and get a good case of burnout going. Luckily, one of our saturday markets dosn't run next week so Lisa and I sneak away and pretend we're hip-urban-weekenders. If I'm lucky I'll be able to sleep in for two days and relax without contemplating the Farm too much.
Addding to the burnout is a bad case of insomnia. Two weeks of fitfull sleep. Waking up way to much or spending hours just not sleeping. I geuss now I know just a bit of what some parents go through.
But the good news is the shop is done. I now have a proper place to fix stuff, store stuff, and keep stuff from getting ruined. Praise be!! It's been a long time comin. It took me a few years to save up for it and now it's here and I'm happy.
Oh the burnout? It'll go away soon. I'll get my little break, it will soon start to rain and force me inside ( then I get a break but whine I'm bored) and I'll crave those long days of summer once again.