What's with me?
What's with me? Well the West Nile incident was pretty bad. I was bedridden for a month. Then two more weeks I pretty much could walk to the end of the Farm and back then I was exhausted.( Of course I walked like a hundred year old man) I would be out of breath, weak, and sore. At the end of six weeks luckily nothing on the farm had died or got too neglected. The apprentices managed to keep up on harvest and market as things were in a bit of a lull. And Lisa was awsome and kept everthing watered and me cared for.
Then it was time for getting ground prepared for garlic and onions. Boy what a challenge. I could fertilize and till a row then just about crawl back to bed. All in all, all the planned garlic and onions got planted in time. Got by by my chinny chin chin.
Of course the last few weeks I've been catching up on two months of cleanup and farm projects. Most is done now. The greenhouse that needed to be recovered is done. And there is a small amount of drip tape to roll up, but the field work is done. Now I'm harvesting for market,(digging lot's of carrots) and working on other farm projects. It should all get done in time for the holidays and then VACATION!!! YEAH!! I must say both Lisa and I are a bit frazzled and worn at both ends, and really are going to enjoy some time off and away from the farm.
A bit of advise for those who come down with West Nile Virus. Lactoferin, minerals ,probiotics, massage, hot baths with epsom salts. Eat well, tons of leafy greens, get all the help you can from alternative health practiciners. Some stuff I didn't find out till much to far along.
I count my blessing in many ways. I've always been gratefull for good heath. Now I'm really gratefull, I'm gratefull for when I came down with West Nile. It could have been reallybad in the middle of the summer for the Farm. And most of all I'm gratefull that by the grace of God, I manage to make the right choices, meet the right people, and live a blessed Life.