Saturday, May 16, 2009

Inappropriate for Children

This morning somehow I either slept thru my alarm or the alarm malfunctioned, needless to say the first words out of my mouth were inappropriate for children. Up I jumped and in to action. The first words out of Lisa's mouth were perfectly appropriate and children should say them more often, they were "How can I help". I lucked out and woke up at the time I usually depart for Farmers Market so I loaded the truck and Lisa got everything else ready and I got to Market with no speeding ticket and enough time for converstation with the Baker/Potter coffee clache. This morning I was late on arrival but provided a wonderfull sumation of the Therom for the morning. However it probably is inappropriate for children.
Next subject: It's blazing hot now, and getting hotter tommorow but all should be well. Tommorow I get to play bartender at a Slow Food event, the forecast is for 101F so I hope I don't wither in the heat. I'm looking forward to it as it's held at one of my favorite farms Chaffin Orchards, they are doing a fantastic job at modeling a Pastoral Orchard system. They are located in one of the most beutiful spots in the valley and have a fantastic operation, give a terrific Farm tour and give away "secrets" to anybody who asks. Fantastic Farmers we need more like 'em.
Our produce is being included in two dishes, our Carrots are being cookedin one dish, and our Garlic Scapes in another. It chould be a fantastic event and I'll fill you in on all the details.


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