Death is Heavy
Yes it's heavy 'round here.
Death came to the Farm today.
When it left there were some of the finest Hog carcasses on the Earth left.
Organic Fermented Whole Grains, Goats Milk, Veggies galore, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Kelp, and Comfry was what the Hogs ate whilst they were here. Pretty much the best diet a Hog can have. Fermented Whole grains are superfood, rich, sweet, tasty, ALIVE. It's quite a bit more work to feed our Hogs OFWG, since twice a day you measure out the grain mix, add the cider vinegar, kelp, cover with hot water, and that's after you've battled the Hogs to get their food in the trough. They see you comin' and they get so excited, you've got to game them to get the feed in the trough not on the ground. And not down their ears either. Then of course there's snack time which consists of a mid day snack of whatever vegetable we're feedin' 'em.
So this is my first batch of Hogs. Lisa is the person who built the model we use, then she turned it over to me cause she wasn't fully groovin with it. ( Also she loves to build models for other people to take and run with ).
So this morning was the enevitable day. Cause if your raising animals to eat, they have to be killed. It's not the lightest of experiences. I don't butcher the Hogs myself ( I do do chickens) but still, it's heavy. Some living animal that you have cared for and nurtured is giving it's life so you can eat high quality, no fear, no anger, highly respected protien. Super Yummy Protein.
So Hogs. Hope you enjoyed your time here. I've done my best to provide you with the best diet, comfortable living quarters, Loving care, and genuine respect.
Thank you Hogs, for all you have given.