A day off!
Yesterday, Sunday, which is usually my only day of rest,relaxation, and re-creation I found myself to actually be free to sleep in, enjoy my day, and goof off. Yes!!! after at least a solid month of working on Sunday, I had one free! No tilling, no mowing, no nothing. It was a bit strange, a bit foreign, and a bit unnerving. After working the last month of Sunday's I had somewhat become conditioned to "having to work". I was a little suprised to find myself with the ability to goof off without suffering through self punishing guilt that I should or could be working.
What did I do with my day? Well I slept in a bit ( if you call pretending/wishing to be asleep sleeping in) then my usual Farm blog surfing, also a bit of Scuba diving research, ( it's like a virtual vacation), a bit of leftover pizza for brunch, then a bit of dozing of in front of the tube. Then a bit more napping. Some more internet surfing, a bit more dozing, then time for dinner. I was so out of the loop I almost forgot to water some plants outside of the greenhouse, and I completely forgot that we clean the house at 5:00pm. Lisa even let us slide on that one.
So I must have needed it. My brain had come to a point of almost overload, my responsibilities, we're wearing on me, and I really just wanted and needed to do nothing.
So Joy, Joy I had a day off!