Normally on Sunday you'll find me hiding inside the house, only venturing outside to water starts turn on irrigation, or a very small task. Not today, after I finish this I'll be out working on a Sunday. BoooHoo. You see we had our rototiller break down two weeks ago and I didn't get it fixed till this week. Part availability problems. But better now then later, when I'm really crunched for time. So this leaves me a bit behind in soil preparation. And the ground is drying fast and I now behind. Today I'll finish fertilizing the Squash beds and maybe get some more mowing done. Who knows if I really am motivated I might spread more Gypsum.
This week is really crunch time. We'll get Squash seeded, some Beets and Turnips, get Tomato beds prepped, prep flats for the second round of Tomato/Pepper/Eggplant. And get the Garlic/ Onions weeded. Now that the Carrots are all dug and stored we can focus on other tasks that need to be done. It's really hitting the busy season 'round here. Days are getting longer and warmer, and I'm putting in 10 hour days. If I fall behind now I'll regret it for weeks. So now I got to get out there!