Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday Fun

Friday was fun. It was our first day of harvesting for the summer. I started with the Spinach. Which has turned out to be a nice trial. I haven't grown Spinach for quite a few years and decided to see If I could. I seeded it at the beginning of April, and was blessed with wonderful weather and little predation. It has matured into a wonderful experiment, tasty, creamy, and ever so not bitter. I brought 30# to Farmers Market and it was wonderfully received. It will be interesting to see if it grows fast enough and dosn't bolt to cut it again next week. I do have another planting of it coming along and it of course will be an experiment/learning experience.
Then I was able to cut a bit of Basil, which is pretty early for us. At this point I'm shaping the plants trimming them ever so carefully so as to encourage them to grow lot's of branches. Again well received at Market.
And now Zucchini cutting has hit full on. We went from 3 boxes that we cut and immediately brought to Market, again pleasing our customers,to 6 today. I already have informed my wholesale customers of the impending arrival and will start delivery's tomorrow. Yippee!!!
It was fun on Friday to start harvesting spring plantings, and always nice to bring them to Farmers Market and have them be so well received. I Love being the Carrot Man but I also enjoy growing and selling a plethora of other vegtables. You see, I sometimes suffer from attention span disorder and multi-tasking is my second name. As a mixed vegetable Farmer it is a quality that serves me very well, and if I had to do one task all day I would lose it.
Here's an update on last Sunday's Slow Food dinner at Chaffin Family Orchards. It went extremely well even with temperatures of 100F. I was part of the volunteer crew and I enjoyed myself, setting up, tending bar and clearing plates. The only drawback was I didn't eat enough of the delicious food. I had a snack here and there but blew it and didn't put together a big plate to enjoy all at once. All the food was fantastic, and it was fun to take part and help, and also quite an education to see what it takes to feed 100 people at a sit down dinner.


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