Where's this Global Warming?
I'm usally a pretty positive person. But right now I'm sick of the Rain. In the Month of March we've had 22 days of rain, and twice the normal amount in inches. It was like this last year too.
Usually at this time of the year we're plantin summer squash, and just about ready to transplant the first run of tomatoes. Right now the field is soaked to the bone and there isn't a break in the weather in sight. I'm cooped up in the greenhouse or filling potholes in the driveroad. They got pretty kingsize this year, and I was growing tired of them growing bigger and bigger, so 14 Tons of rock and one sore back later it look's pretty decent. I don't think I'll let them get that big in the future.
Speaking of the future, where's this Global Warming? It's colder and rainer than usual, but isn't it soposed to get warmer? Maybee here in Northern California it will be wet longer, and hot hotter.I just can't make it all out. I may have to switch to Aquaculture, or raise Frogs, or at least grow webbed feet. Or maybee I'll just have to not plan on planting stuff in March and early April and make the season shorter. Might be nice; less work, more play?
One thing I can say is "Thank God for Carrots." I can harvest and sell Carrots from November to April, the longest season of anything I grow. The rain and cold just make them sweeter. My customers tell me that my carrots are the best thing they've ever tasted. Their kids will devour them, but turn up their noses at store bought carrots. I have people come from 20 miles away in the middle of winter just to buy them. They tell total strangers standing next to them at Farmers Market to buy them, because their the "best in the world". Well enough bragging.
So for now, Rain Rain Go Away.