Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's been Twelve's around here lately. That is in hour workdays. Onion and Garlic harvest is almost done, along with most of our summer crop plantings. That's what makes Early June so busy.
Not only do we have to keep our planting going, but get the Onions and Garlic out of the ground. Luckily with the rain that we had here it softened the ground up so I could immediately till the Onion/ Garlic rows to prepare them for Carrot planting. That is a big time saver. I don't have to disk them, irrigate them, then till. Just till. WhooHoo.
The rain/cool weather did help in a few other ways also. Instead of Twelves in 95F it was Twelve's in the low 80's. Quite a difference.
The Farmers Market's have been pretty good. Zucchini sales could be better but I think having Spinach and Lettuce takes some of that volume. It can be quite a balancing act, to much variety and all of a sudden you go home with to much Zucchini. I have been Wholesaling quite a bit, but the Zuch's are so prolific this year we can't sell it all. And the hogs certainly can't eat it all, this week we took some to the Jesus Center and hope to set up even more donations to them. It' saddens me to til in perfectly good produce back into the ground. But I don't have all that much extra time to set up distribution to those in need. Hopefully the Jesus Center can help.
Well I got a hog pen to clean.


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