Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day

Yes it is Labor Day and what did I do? I Labored. You see, Labor Day probably originates from the beginning of the industrial revolution when they had to shut the factory's down so people could bring in their harvests. It was probably labor week. Now it's another reason for Americans to eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips and sodas, (Sales of all these items go thru the roof for the holiday) and go to the lake or river, or local park and celebrate the fact that they no longer have to labor. Either in a factory or in a field. They have others to do that for them. Either illegal immigrants in the fields in their own country or some destitute worker in some factory in China or another country working for a couple bucks a day. And everyone wonders how we got where we are now. I just read a study that puts the real number of people jobless in California at 40%, which dosn't really suprise me.
On the bright side. There was somthing cool going on in places all over the counrty, EAT-In's, people raising awareness to bring better food to our schools. What a revolution that would be. Maybee we could have a proliferation of small to midsize farms employing people at a living wage, maybee some of those jobless 40%. I know, nobody wants to work in a field all day, that's for suckers. But what it might bring is real weatlth to our country and state. Of course the farm system would have to be way different, with worker's actually living on the Farms, and we would need some good health care system,( single payer maybee?) and of course people would actually have to pay more for their food. Not much for some items, could be as little as .50#. Wow what a vision, it's not new, just challenging.
Well here's to all those Farmworkers who didn't get to relax today. Cheerup, a change is comin.


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