Monday, August 24, 2009


I seeded onions today. It's at least a week late maybe two but it will be ok. Onions take a while. They test a Farmer's patience. They get seeded in August, go in the ground in November, and get harvested in June. Boy what a long time to see the fruits of my labor.
I plant two varieties Red Torpedo and Red Burger. The Torpedo is shaped like a torpedo, and has some bite raw, but when you cook it it' sweet with a fantastic onion flavor. My chef customers love it. Red burger is a sweet red onion. I used to grow Stockton Red but it is now no more. I found it was gone last year when I tried to order it and found it had been discontinued. It was really sweet. I had some year old seed last year took a gamble and planted it. Onion seed degrades fast. I probably was the only person on the planet with them but there was no farewell fanfare. I don't think my customers will notice and I will probably get more number 1's with the red burger.
So here's to you Stockton Red, farewell it was good knowin ya, hello Red Burger, be good to me.


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