It's pretty much September, why do I say that when it's still August? Well seeing as there's only one work day left in August in my mind it's pretty much September. Which brings us to a few milestones usually. September can mark the beginning of cool nights, which actually started about 10 days ago and put a kink in our tomato production schedule. The cool nights slow the ripening process and my succession timing is pretty close which can lead to tight spots. Sorry guys.
September also usually marks the beginning of the broccoli starting to head which it is, which means it soon will be at Farmers Market.
September also usually means all the carrots are planted. Which they are.
September also usually means all the brassica's are planted. Which they are.
September usually means cleanup has started. Which it has.
September usually means shorter more manageable days. Which it has.
September usually means some sort of celebration is in order. Which it is.
September usually means a weekend getaway. Which it will.
September usually means projects get started. Which they will.
So in short all hail August, the King of the Months, and all praise September the bringer of the Fall.